Use MANASYS Jazz for all mainframe programming We want to make programming as straight as possible without sacrificing Flexibility, Efficiency, or the Safety of Proven Technology (COBOL, C#, etc) MANASYS Jazz is bridging two worlds as it handles zOS batch, Classical CICS, and Web Service Programming while making client app development (C#, Java, VB.NET, etc) easy. By using this high level modern software to write COBOL, you can solve the COBOL skill shortage and extend your scarce technical resources by slashing development time and cost. Beside huge productivity gains, MANASYS Jazz gives you the best way to introduce COBOL to new staff In minutes MANASYS Jazz can generate a CICS Web Service that can perform enquiry and/or update from one or several VSAM files or DB2 database tables. However, we are not only talking about CICS web services and generating the COBOL logic, but just as well generating C# client-side interface code and also the necessary supporting objects, WSDL or JSON Say, 21 lines of DB2 table definition (2 related tables) became 25 lines of Jazz program, which became about 2500 lines of COBOL from which 320 lines of JSON were generated as when about 1000 lines of C# were created - and of course, plus 58 lines of Jazz message definition explaining everything there is - everything delivered as source-code on every level, so you may step up or step down whenever you want. - really, it is that simple.